Heroes Glad Tidings Church Heroes Glad Tidings Church

Ruth, The Faithful | Week 4 | Lisa Moore

Ever found yourself stuck? Ever looked around at your circumstances and felt like… are these my only options? If you have ever felt down and uncertain of what to do next, then THIS sermon is for you! Ps. Lisa explains that Ruth goes from homeless to hero and how her faith, hard work and posture is such a testament and example to us and how we can serve and follow Jesus with such faithfulness and trust even when it's not so easy to do so.

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Heroes Glad Tidings Church Heroes Glad Tidings Church

Caleb, The Giant Slayer | Week 3 | Andy Moore

When you think of Old Testament heroes your mind probably goes to Moses, Elijah, or maybe Joshua, and yet there is a second seat hero that can’t go unmentioned. Caleb’s steady belief in the promises of God and courage in the face of Giants makes him an incredible hero to learn from. Ps. Andy breaks down how Caleb had a wholehearted devotion to God that was unmatched and because of his faith, God blessed him and allowed him to see the promised land with Joshua in their old age. Be encouraged, your best days are still ahead of you!

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